How is SIBO Treated?
You don’t need to live with the daily discomfort of Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). We offer testing and treatment for SIBO so that you can restore your gastrointestinal health and get back to a normal life. We offer protocols using herbal therapies and temporary dietary changes that have been proven helpful to treat SIBO and prevent recurrence.
There are 2 phases in SIBO treatment:
1. Eliminate the Bacterial Overgrowth
In order to successfully treat your digestive symptoms, we must get rid of the bacterial overgrowth. We typically accomplish this using a set of herbs that has been clinically studied for this purpose. During this phase, patients will often begin to see improvements in their digestive and other associated symptoms.
2. Gut Healing and Restoring an Effective Migrating Motor Complex.
Once the bacteria have been treated, we will teach you how to minimize the risk of recurrence of SIBO. To do this, we focus on gut healing, supporting optimal digestion and restoring an effective migrating motor complex. Many people have lived with a damaged and dysfunctional digestive tract for years due to the use of stomach acid medications, pain medications, eating an unhealthy diet, past digestive infections and SIBO bacteria itself. This phase is critical to ensure a healthy digestive tract and to prevent a return of symptoms for long-term health.